Extract of the statuses :
Article 2 – Purposes of the association
The association in for object to promote spaces allowing to welcome, in a spirit of mutual tolerance, people of various religions and philosophic conceptions livened up by a will of dialogue for the peace.
These original spaces of meeting have to allow to create and to maintain a link between people of diverse convictions. They experiment a networking of the humanisms that they are of religious origin or not. They offer to their users of the places of reflection, debate and action to promote a model ” to live together ” in the respect for oneself, for the other one and for the civil peace.
Institution attached to the inter-culturalité where each meets the other one without giving up its proper identity, the ” HOUSE OF the DIALOGUE AND THE PEACE ” ( MADIPAX), strength of proposal and central engine, will have for mission to promote, to shelter and to make shine :
- Any initiative to defend the freedom of conscience and faith;
- Any action in favour of the equality of opportunity, the rights and the homework;
- Any link of brotherhood between citizens of confessions or different convictions determined to choose the way of the dialogue, the peace and to refuse itself in any proselytism or conquering dogmatism.
To maintain the civil peace, ” HOUSE OF the DIALOGUE AND THE PEACE ” ( MADIPAX) :
- Will organize privileged moments of division, likely to favor the interknowledge and the meeting of people of any conviction.
- Will train the actors in an intercultural and interreligious citizenship;
- Will open channels of communication and action;
- Will set up mediations;To conceive complementarities and original cooperations between Particuliers-Associtions-Entreprises-Gr oupes of Thought-religions-power public.